Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy is a cutting-edge, deep, holistic psychotherapy that provides a step-by-step framework for empowering people to heal and transform themselves. Individuals learn to tend to the needs of their system, which allows difficult parts of themselves to relax so that they can access their true Self – a place of strength, compassion and love. From this powerful place, clients can heal trauma, free themselves from stuckness, and feel confident, clear, and empowered to give their gifts to the world.

Is IFS Right For Me?

IFS would be a very helpful therapy for people who struggle with:
  • Symptoms of Trauma / PTSD such as hypervigilance, loss of interest in activities, guilt, loneliness, insomnia/nightmares, or intrusive thoughts of past events
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, or overwhelming emotions
  • Depression, low motivation, or numbness
  • Self-criticism, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or powerlessness
  • Feeling not enough, hopeless, unlovable, or worthless
  • Perfectionism or procrastination
  • Anger or irritability
  • Addictions
  • Relationship difficulties

How will IFS Help Me?

Healing Through Acceptance

IFS is a non pathologizing psychotherapy, which allows us to be more accepting of all the different aspects of our personality and through accepting ourselves, transformation becomes possible. IFS provides a path toward loving ourselves and fulfilling our own needs. We learn to become the nurturing parent to ourselves and create corrective experiences to heal past traumas.

Developing Self-Compassion

IFS promotes healing by helping clients develop a compassionate relationship with their inner parts. Often, people try to push away or ignore painful or negative aspects of themselves, but IFS teaches that every part has a purpose, even if it seems harmful at first. For example, a part that causes anxiety may be trying to protect the person from perceived danger. By listening to and understanding these parts, individuals can heal emotional wounds, shift their relationship with themselves, and create more harmony within their internal system.

Access Your True Self

IFS empowers people by helping them access their “Self,” which is the core, compassionate, and wise part of every person. In IFS, the Self is seen as the leader of the internal system, capable of guiding and healing all other parts. When clients can operate from this Self-leadership, they experience a sense of calm, clarity, and confidence, allowing them to make more balanced decisions and respond to challenges in a healthy way. Over time, IFS helps individuals feel more integrated and whole, improving their emotional well-being and overall life satisfaction.

A part is not just a temporary emotional state or habitual thought pattern. Instead, it is a discrete and autonomous mental system that has an idiosyncratic range of emotion, style of expression, set of abilities, desires, and view of the world. In other words, it is as if we each contain a society of people, each of whom is at a different age and has different interests, talents, and temperaments. ”

Heal Trauma and Free Your True Self - Reach out to begin your journey